7 Tips on How to Become a Professional Gamer

Esports has become a big buzzword in the past few years, and it’s giving professional sports leagues a run for their money. Not only is competitive gaming considered a sport nowadays, but professional gamers also earn millions of dollars competing at being the best in the game.

For those who love gaming their whole life and are good at it, there’s good news. You can become a professional gamer too. In fact, everyone can become a pro gamer, but not everyone makes it. Skills are required, but they’re not the only thing you need in order to make it to the pro scene.

So how do you become involved? Here are what you need to know and some tips on how to become a professional gamer.

Have the Equipment

If you play often, you know what the most important thing is: a high-quality gaming computer. Consoles competition do exist but they’re overshadowed by games that are played specifically on gaming rigs. A gaming PC is something you should have if you plan to get serious about turning your hobby or pastime into a career because their higher-end specs allow you to play graphically demanding games.

A gaming system can easily be told apart from a regular home computer. While both have the standard parts they need to function, the power and the performance of the components of a rig allow you to play games with ease. Gaming computers are designed to be this way, after all.

Master the Game You Play

If there’s one thing that all pros have in common is that they are extremely good at playing their game. You know, that one game you’re just so good at that you’re at the top of the global leaderboards or you played so well that a gaming team or pro has acknowledged your skills.

Being skilled is one of the requirements of being a pro player because you need to build a reputation to build a fanbase and being remembered. But knowing is half the battle as well. Understanding the mechanics or “meta” of the game will help you play better as you will know the best way to deal with certain situations. For example, if you are playing League of Legends and your opponent wants to play as teemo then you need to know what works as a teemo counter so that your opponent is more likely to lose against you.

Do these well, and you’re well on your way to becoming scouted or at least being marked by teams who may want you with them.

Make Friends in the Community

You need to let others know about you so you can get to know others in the process as well. Some games may be about individual talent, but being a team player is also important. Put yourself out there, and you never know, you may meet people who may become your teammates in the future.

Get Used to Tournaments

If you think you’ve honed your skills to be good enough to compete at any tournament, then go for it. More than the prize money, tournaments are valuable for testing your skills and gaining experience. A good example would be joining live events where teams and other pros are possibly joining or watching.

The consensus is that playing good is not enough to get you noticed; you need to win too. It’s also important to remember that it’s okay not to win or that not everyone wins all the time. Use that to know more about yourself by identifying where you went wrong, and try not to repeat that mistake next time.

Practice Some More

Maybe it’s time for you to go full throttle. Playing three to four games is no longer enough if you want to become a pro gamer. In fact, pros play at least 10 hours a day. They use that time to study tactics, watch gameplay, scrimming or playing a ton of practice games, and basically playing the game daily to get to know it more especially when a new patch arrives and there are changes.

Pro gamers come from countries around the globe, and if you compete with some of the best, you need to do more. You need to prove that you are better, so you need dedication and intense focus in order to hone your skills. Victory comes to those who prepare.

Learn How to Lose Graciously

In any game, there are only two outcomes: winning and losing. Realistically, you are bound to lose a game or two, and it may hurt a lot especially if it’s your first one or if you trained yourself really well but none of your efforts showed. While it may be easy to despair or get discouraged, don’t. The esports scene is fast-growing, and if you didn’t win a particular tournament, you can always win the next one.

Attitude Matters

Most competitive esports are played with a team, and if you want to be a pro, you will have to play with others. It is a good idea to make friends with your teammates and/or even treat them like family because you will be spending a lot of time with them during boot camps, practices, and tournaments. A strong bond or camaraderie will make your team more cohesive, and it will translate to better plays during matches.

Communication is also a big factor during competitive gaming. Learn how to communicate well especially if you have ideas, and learn to listen when it’s another person’s turn to share. Attitude really matters in the pro scene because you’re not only playing for yourself; you’re also representing your team and even your country.

Another thing to consider is learning how to control rage and trash talk. If you’re a sponsored team, chances are, you need to look out for everything you do, even online, and that means being polite during pub matches. Learning how to lose graciously if you’ve been bested by other players is a good trait to have because you need to be calm and not engage especially when they start jeering or trash-talking.

Furthermore, when you have a good reputation for being sportsmanlike whether you win or lose, you are automatically more media-friendly. This can open up more opportunities for you in the future. You can use your appeal and image in the gaming world to pursue other goals, like being a guest caster or analyst during a game, in case you want to take a break or retire from gaming.

Have Fun

Remember why you played the game you’re good at. You honed your skills because it makes your life more fun. While competitions are basically a show of talent and skills, it’s also important to have fun. There’s already enough pressure to begin with, so ease off some of that by creating a fun atmosphere not just for you but for your teammates too.

Did you ever dream of becoming a professional gamer? If so, share your experiences in the comments below.

Osho Garg

About Author
Osho is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TecheHow.
